The Benazir Kafalat 10500 program will begin on May 13 for eligible families. The Benazir Income Support Program has changed the payment method for the Kafalat program, ensuring that she has no difficulty in receiving money. The article provides details about the new payment method, the amount eligible people can receive and details for those who were unable to receive money last time due to account blocking. This will help ensure that eligible families receive their money without difficulty. The article is also aimed at those who could not receive the money last time due to account blocking.

New payment method of Benazir Kafalat

The Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) has restructured the payment process into six stages, so it is crucial that those receiving money from the Kafalat program understand the new procedure. The six stages include:

  • Recipient account identification
  • Choosing a payment method

The six-step process for raising money in a BISHOP office consists of six stages: queue, selection, waiting area, payment of amounts, payment monitoring and interview with women. Queuing involves creating a line for people to stand in line. Screening involves screening at the office door, allowing only those whose money has been released. A card is issued to whoever receives the money, with the amount written on it. The waiting area is where those who have received tokens wait for the token number to receive their money.

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Paying amounts involves handing over money to someone who expects to receive their money. Payment tracking confirms that the full amount has been issued to maintain transparency. Finally, an interview is carried out with women to assess their satisfaction with the new payment method. The process aims to guarantee transparency and fairness in the collection of money from BISP offices.

Benazir Kafalat 10500 Paid
Amount: Rs. 10,500
Recipients: eligible families
Dual Pay Initiative:
Rs. 21,000 for the above

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This time, how much money will be released?

The Pakistani government will release 10,500 financial assistance to eligible people under the Benazir Kafalat programme, with no change in payment. The program will continue to provide financial aid, but recipients must account for and receive their money. If there are deductions, they must be reported to the Benazir Income Support Program office. This is similar to the previous program, ensuring a fair distribution of financial aid.

Double payment of Benazir Kafalat 21000

The government has announced a new initiative to provide financial help to those previously locked out by account problems. This involves making double payments, allowing them to receive both the money they were denied last time and the amount they were not entitled to. The total financial assistance will be Rs. 21,000.


Benazir Kafalat 10500 payment will start on May 13 and BISP will introduce a new payment method to speed up distribution and ensure transparency. Eligible recipients will go through a six-step process, from queuing to receiving their allocation and tracking payment. Those who were previously unable to receive payments due to blocked accounts will now receive double payments totaling Rs 21,500. The initiative aims to reduce the financial burden and support vulnerable families in Pakistan.

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Frequently asked questions

What is the new payment method for Benazir Kafalat 10500 program?

The Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) has introduced a six-stage payment process, which includes account identification, payment method selection, queuing, selection, waiting, payment and interviews with women . This method aims to guarantee transparency and justice in the distribution of financial aid.

How much financial assistance will eligible families receive under the Benazir Kafalat 10500 program?

Eligible families will get Rs. 10,500 under the Benazir Kafalat 10500 scheme, with no change in the payment amount. Recipients are advised to count and receive their money carefully, reporting any discrepancies to the Benazir Income Support Program office.

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