A number of women feel pain after sex. This is often not a serious health problem. It just feels uncomfortable and raises a lot of questions. In this article, I will answer several of these questions, showing you the reasons why your vagina may feel sore after sex.

1. Your vagina is not as elastic as you would like

Although the vagina is an elastic organ that stretches, the ability to stretch varies from person to person.

Just like there are big penises, there are small vaginas.

You may be in pain because your vagina is smaller than you want it to be. This is especially true if you experience pain after having sex with someone who seems to have a larger penis than you're used to.

2. Your toys have uneven surfaces

Anything you put in your vagina has the potential to hurt you and cause you pain.

So you might need to take a look at your toys. Especially if you use toys during foreplay.

Take care of your toys too. Do not keep them on surfaces that may scratch and dent them.

3. Your partner has long nails

If your partner has long nails, you may feel pain after sex.

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I don't think I need to explain why. Nails are brittle and sharp and can hurt. One nick and they can hurt really bad.

Is it safe for your partner to cut their nails? Clipping your nails goes beyond being physically safe alone. It's also safe for your vagina.

Your vagina is supposed to be a sterile part of your body. This means that nothing harboring germs should be allowed.

Nails contain many germs and can infect the vagina or cause UTI.

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4. Condom allergies

Condom allergies are one thing. Latex condoms are made of material that has the potential to trigger the immune response. This immune response is mounted and one of the key features of inflammation is pain.

Many condom allergy situations are described as pain. But sometimes, it's more than just a pain. There are cases where it is a burning sensation that lasts long after sex is over.

Kira told us that she often feels a burning sensation during and after sex whenever her man uses a condom.

If you are not sure whether or not you have a condom allergy, try having sex without a condom once. But make sure this is someone you trust, someone you know won't give you allergies.

5. A health condition

For many women, health conditions can cause pain during sex. This is usually described as a sharp pain or a dull ache in the pelvic area.

Some of the most common causes of pain in bed are pelvic inflammatory diseases or any other disease that causes pelvic obstruction or inflammation.

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Talk to your doctor about any changes in your menstrual cycle and describe this pain. Most of the time, your doctor will prescribe some medicine to help you.

6. Reaction to spermicides and lubricants

Spermicides are usually creams or sprays that are placed in the vagina and can help prevent pregnancy if the condom breaks. Unfortunately, some women also react to spermicides.

If you notice that you get that painful feeling every time you have sex using a spermicide, it may be time to stop.

Lubricants are not left out. Especially the oil-based ones. They are also capable of eroding condoms and can cause a woman to feel pain.

Keep in mind that pain is often just your body's response to damage to some surface cells.

7. You're not wet enough

If you are not wet enough during sex, you may feel pain. This is especially true if the sex started when you weren't even wet enough.

Many women have concerns vaginal dryness. Some of these concerns can be addressed without ever visiting a hospital. All you have to do is make some mental and physical changes, and you're good to go.

We will discuss some of these changes in later articles. Look for the article called: “How to stop my vagina from feeling sore.”

8. The AC may be to blame

If you have sex near the AC, the AC may also be to blame. Air conditioning removes moisture from the air, cooling it so you feel less hot.

AC may be removing needed moisture around the vagina and causing it to dry out too easily.

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The fans may also be to blame.

I used to have sex around a fan once. I noticed that every time I had sex so close to the fan, my partner complained of pain.

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9. You're having sex on your period

It is true that sex during menstruation can be more lubricated. But this is a rather paradoxical lubricant.

You see, blood has the potential to clot. And when the blood clots, it becomes quite sticky and capable of producing a lot of friction.

It's this friction that makes sex hurt.

Stop having sex when you have your period for a while and see if there are any changes in real time.

10. Sex is too intense and lasts too long

If the sex is too intense and lasts too long, it's likely to make him very sore.

At best, sex should not last more than an hour. At worst, it shouldn't last more than an hour and thirty minutes.

The man should also pay attention to how his wife feels during sex, so that he does not make her hurt faster than she should.

As I will show in later articles, it helps when men are more attentive to their women during sex.


Often, a woman may feel pain for reasons that are merely mechanical. There is no need to be overly concerned, and if you are, consulting a doctor is a good idea.

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