Women will have to initiate most interactions on Bumble. Except in rare cases where they are the ones who pass the finger i like first about man. This makes it important for women on Bumble to learn the best openers. Here are some of the best that our editors have come up with to help you mark the best dates.

1. Hey, all of a sudden, I already feel like a woman or a girl, who is now texting her man. How are you handsome (my man)?

This is called “stunning” or the “escalating” method of texting. The text messaging scaling method was defined in a more appropriate context by Ubong, our relationship editor.

It is a technique that is used a lot in storytelling. The idea is to stun a reader two to three lines into the story.

This is something that can also be used on bumble. It's something we even recommend. This should be your first text.

Why will it work? It will work for sure because it will amaze the man and possibly make him laugh. He would wonder what you have up your sleeve and immediately conclude that you are an interesting and mysterious person.

Men love it when a woman can display high levels of mystery. The more mysterious a woman is, the more likely she is to get a man's immediate attention.

How will you respond? Our prediction is that he'll respond with a couple of laughing emojis and implore you to explain more about what you mean when you call him your man.

Our advice? no

2. He swiped at me, I see. We skip the introductions. Come meet my parents. let's get married

This is one of the best methods to text a guy first on Bumble. It does three things with this text:

  • Show him you're great at humor. Men love it when a woman is funny. Funny women make the world go round and round.
  • Show her that you are a family oriented woman. You may not see how obvious it is, but it is. He immediately knows that you are not here for casual sex but for a meaningful and healthy relationship. If he likes you, he'll text you like he's interested in exploring a relationship with you.
  • Show him that you don't like long talks and prefer to get straight to the point.
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How will you answer? Of course, it will sound like most men would. He will laugh and ask how you are doing.

Our advice is not to try to push the conversation too hard. Just let it flow as it should. Remember to answer along the course of the best answer.

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3. Could it be a match made in heaven? I see you like (mention your likes). I love them too. What is your favorite?

Whether on Bumble or in real life, it's best to start a conversation centered around a shared interest.

Everyone in the real world is interested in something. The difference between there and real life is that nobody has their interests written on their foreheads.

On Bumble, you see a man's interest in his profile. Starting with you.

Get him involved in something you think he's interested in and let the conversation flow from there.

Why will this work? This Bumble opener will work because men are very open about what they like. If a man loves something, I guarantee you will know it. Even if that something is, in this case, someone, you.

How will you respond? He will respond like everyone who just happened to have his interest. On Bumble, I advise you to make the most of this initial interaction by responding quickly.

The faster you respond, the better.

4. Are you 2 km away? I promise I didn't oil it, but that doesn't look too bad. How are you?

Mentioning a location suggests to the man that you should spend some time on his profile.

This shows a man that you are very interested in him. Show him that you're a bit of a weirdo too.

Men love this type of woman.

Why will this work? It will work because;

  1. You just made it clear that you are very close to him. Typically, men on Bumble will fall for women who are closest to them. That is, it is more unlikely that a woman who is 30 kilometers away will receive a response than a woman who is, for example, 10 kilometers away.
  2. You indicated an interest in meeting him; by mentioning its location, you also indicated some interest in it. Men love interest. It is one of the most beautiful things for them.
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How will you respond? He will probably laugh. If he likes you, he can tease you and do a simple test: “Are you saying you want to meet me?”

Do you want to pass this test? easy Send him a question. He says, “What if I want to? Would that be such a bad thing?”

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5. Bumble is really home to a lot of great men.

With this Bumble opener, you're complimenting him. But it's such a subtle compliment. One that is likely to even be laughed at. But he knows it's there.

Why is this going to work;

  • It's a compliment: Compliments to Bumble go a long way. Of course, Bumble is also something of a social media platform. It's the compliments that rule social media.
  • Allow him space to wonder if you're just talking to him; by mentioning “fine men” you're showing him that you've seen some really good-looking men on Bumble besides him. This will activate your competitive instinct. From there, things get easier.

How will you respond? Well, it all depends on what kind of guy he is. But I guess he'll laugh and say something like, “What do you mean, good men?”

6. “❤️”

Sometimes all you have to do is pass the ball to him and let him choose whether to make a move or not.

This is a preferred conversation opener with a man you don't exactly find attractive. One you can risk missing.

It will work a lot if he likes you. If you don't, you won't.

Either way, you get the point if you don't like it that much. And even if he does, he may be too proud to answer.

Ubong tells us, “When a woman sends me a love emoji or any other emoji on Bumble, I just know there's an interest deficit.”

7. Hey, good morning. It's a cold day in (your location) and for some reason I'm curled up in bed texting you.

Sometimes it helps to start a conversation with a story.

Show the man that you are already a very interesting person.

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what will he say Your answer is likely to be a story as well. This can be the basis of their interaction with each other for a long time. As you bounce stories back and forth, your relationship with them gets better.

8. hey are you ok

Sometimes clichés and short cuts are the best.

Why will this work?

Show interest in having a conversation, but only if he's going to be a part of it too.

People understand what short messages mean. They mean that one is interested but not that much.

This is able to intrigue a man sometimes.

What will be your answer? Your answer will also be short.

He might say something like, “Yes, I am. How's your day going?”

keep it up Conversations should be short until both of you are bold enough to take long walks.

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9. Comment on your notice

Sometimes the best way to start a conversation on Bumble is to comment on your notice.

This is really how Bumble wants you to start conversations.

A man's drives are his deep interests. And if you can engage him in that direction, then he will respond favorably and try to push the conversation forward.

Comment on your notice. You have two options: either compliment them or have them try to explain.

You can do this by asking questions or trying to outwit him. Men don't like to be teased and will often try to explain themselves if you provoke them too much.

10. Hey, how does it feel to be paired with the most beautiful woman in this world?

This is humor by exaggeration. It is one of the oldest tricks in the book and has remained effective for a long time.

It will make him laugh, and he will try to push that humor back. You should bounce it back and forth until you're in a full blown conversation.


Bumble conversations are amazing if you know how to start them and keep them going.

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