We should all have friends. Making and keeping good friends should not be counted as a “big” achievement. People had friends that became family. This should be the case for everyone. So when friendships become like a thorn when they start to burn instead of calming down, you have to understand that these friendships have to go away. In this article, we show you ten types of friends who should no longer carry the title of “friend”. These are the friends you just have to dump right now if you want to enjoy your space and have peace in your life.

1. Competitors

Ever had that friend who constantly felt the need to compete with you? And literally for no reason at all. none

They’re the ones who find out you’re applying for a new job, opening a new business, or dating someone new, and suddenly they’re looking for the same things, while vehemently trying to convince you. it doesn’t matter because we run individual races.

They also try to make you feel bad in front of other friends for being upset about their competition with you.

And even worse, they may try to blackmail you into thinking you “stole” their idea in an attempt to push you to abandon your search altogether.

If you don’t seem affected by all the mind games, unwilling to give up on your goals, they’re likely to go the extra mile to outdo themselves or undermine your efforts to prove they’re better than you.

Keep in mind that, from time to time, healthy competition is necessary to push you to achieve your full potential.

Except as a last resort to help you out of laziness, your friends shouldn’t be the ones competing with you. That’s what coworkers are for.

Leave that friend who always competes with you.

Chances are you will never stop being in that mental competency. It will appear in everything, eating away at your joy and forcing you to hide your achievements.

What is friendship if victories and defeats cannot be shared between you?

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2. Jealous friends

I think jealous friends are the worst. Perhaps even worse than friends in constant competition, although the driver of both categories of people is pathologically low self-esteem.

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Jealous friends are the ones most likely to put you in harm’s way or see you drown in trouble even though they don’t do anything about it because your pain gives them sick satisfaction.

Jealousy is a vile emotion that does not rest unless it burns the object of its perceived oppression.

Jealous people hate others for doing better than them, and they justify it by convincing themselves that they deserve better things, not you. Blame them for your failures instead of taking control of their lives and becoming something.

If you detect any signs of jealousy in your friends, it might be time to get rid of that friend. This is especially true if this display of jealousy has gone on for a while.

Honestly, there is nothing to talk about. You can try, but I assure you that little or nothing will change.

3. Saboteur

Think of that friend who is always there to make you look bad in front of others. It could be telling an embarrassing story about yourself in public, trying to convince people of your compliments, or being the butt of jokes when you’re in the company of other friends.

Two things these people are good at are trying to manipulate you into thinking “it’s not that deep” or blackmailing you into believing that they are, in fact, the victim.

They blame you for overreacting to “simple” jokes when you call out their bad behavior.

I can assure you they will never stop. Please think about the last three times you told this person that you didn’t appreciate their jokes. There’s your proof.

The funny thing is, they don’t respect you at all. And if there is something friendship is, it is the bond of people who have mutual respect.

Let go of that friendship. There is nothing to hold on to.

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4. The users

If people want to be your friends because they can benefit from something, you should know that they are not even friends in the first place.

True friends care deeply about each other and do not base their relationship on what can be gained.

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You shouldn’t feel “milked”.

Yes, you will give up a lot as even genuine friendships progress.

The difference is: there will be a balance. There will be a feeling of satisfaction rather than a feeling of drowning.

You should understand what I am saying if you are with a friend who is a user.

Have you had people who otherwise didn’t know you existed or didn’t have a care in the world try to latch on to you when they find out who you really are, how much you’ve accomplished, your net worth, or the influence your family has on society? ?

Those are the users. They are only there for what they stand to gain by being in your life. Take that away, and they’d be gone with the wind.

5. Negative influences

Although this category of friends is probably the most fun, you are and feel less secure in their company.

My best friend used to say, “Be friends with someone who knows when to go home.”

Do you have those friends who push you to make bad decisions, give you bad advice, or give you such horrible challenges? For your safety, cut them out of your life.

We are fully capable of getting ourselves into enough trouble as it is. The last thing we need is a physical representation of the “devil’s voice”.

Your friends should be the people who can call you to ask and get you back on track when you’re out of line and not encourage you to do wrong.

6. The secret hater

While this friend may cheer you on (from the sidelines, of course), inflate your ego, and flatter you, they never add any value to your life, and that’s because they hate you.

Because they talk about you so much, they’re likely to spread those nasty rumors that do an excellent job of knocking your self-esteem down.

Of course, they mask their true intentions, but deep in your gut, you would know what they are.

And to reinforce this fact, on occasion, you may hear through the grapevine about how you’ve been sabotaged. Those are the signs. They would surely deny it.

7. The ghost

At some point in our lives, we’ve had that friend who suddenly does the disappearing act, disappears for so long, and when we start to get over them, they reappear and start settling back into our lives like they didn’t just ghost us for the last two months

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They might even continue a conversation they left unread the last time they spoke to you; it could take years.

I’m especially resentful of this category of friends because I recently got over a friend who behaved this way. The trauma this guy caused me left me mortified and heartbroken.

This person is your friend until they reunite with their lover, get over a heartbreak, or get a new job. When their lives fall apart, they run back to their emotional garbage. Never give anyone the freedom to treat you like this.

8. The pessimist

Every now and then, a little caution is called for, but who goes through life without taking risks?

The pessimistic friend is a herald of doom. They are always there to show you the negative side of things and discourage you from taking action due to their untreated fear of the unknown. While you may confuse this with care, know where to draw the line.

Cut them now, especially if you’re embarking on a big project.

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9. The energy drainer

Do you have that one person who calls you and your mood automatically goes terrible because you know the tales of woe are coming? It can be about them or other people. They never have fun or uplifting news to give.

I know it’s a beautiful thing to be there for our friends, but we need to draw a clear line between being a shoulder to lean on and having our mental energy drained.

10. Bad borrowers

Bad borrowers always need emergency funds but never pay them back. They would drag out the payment date and even shame you for asking and often bring out the “What are friends for?” card You should tell that friend that friends are not meant to drive each other into misery.

As much as we encourage you to find and maintain healthy friendships, it is of utmost importance that you are a good friend. Do some self-reflection to find out if you exhibit any of these traits that you don’t want your friends to have. And always remember, you attract the energies you give out.


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