Now you can save electricity because you have to install it in your home and your fan, light and other appliances will work fully without any additional help. With the coming of Eid, the solar system prices have come down significantly in Pakistan. Near Eid, no one is buying systems, and solar system costs in Pakistan have come down considerably. Their rates should go up after Eid. However, thanks to Maryam Nawaz Sharif's 'Roshan Gharana Scheme' of the Punjabi government, you will now get solar panels for free.

Benefits of solar system scheme

  • Punjab government provides free solar panels.
  • Two or three solar panels are given free of charge to each DNI holder.
  • Other essentials such as an inverter battery are also included.
  • No charge for battery inverter, wiring or installation.
  • Considerable savings in the cost of electricity.

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Step-by-step process to apply for the Solar System

  • Go to the bank: Visit any branch of Punjab Bank or Meezan Bank in Punjab.
  • Essential documents: Bring your ID, mobile phone number and electricity bill.
  • Complete the form: Tell the bank employees that you would like to participate in the Free Roshan Gharana initiative. They will give you the necessary form and help you complete it.
  • Awaiting verification: Once you submit the form, give it a few days. If you qualify, you will receive a call telling you to pick up your solar panels.
  • Collection: After you have been informed, go to the specified location to collect your free solar panels.
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pass Description
Go to the Bank Visit any branch of Punjab Bank or Meezan Bank in Punjab
Essential Documents Bring your ID, mobile phone number and electricity bill
Complete the form Inform the bank employees about your interest in the Free Roshan Gharana initiative and complete the required form with their assistance


Residents have a great opportunity to use solar energy for free thanks to the Roshan Gharana scheme, initiated by the Punjabi government led by Maryam Nawaz Sharif. The program aims to reduce electricity costs and encourage the use of sustainable energy sources by giving away free solar panels, inverters and batteries. Just follow the simple steps above to get involved and join the movement towards a better and more sustainable future.

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Frequently asked questions

What documents are required for the registration process?

Bring your ID, mobile phone number and electricity bill.

What are the two benefits of this scheme?

  • Punjab government provides free solar panels.
  • Two or three solar panels are given free of charge to each DNI holder.

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