In two years, the Punjab government would lend Rs 300 billion interest-free to farmers. According to the provincial agriculture minister, five lakh farmers will get Rs 150,000 crore in interest-free loans in the first phase. Nawaz Sharif Kisan card holders are small farmers with less than 12.5 hectares of land. For each acre of land, an interest-free loan of Rs 30,000 will be given. Grants and other initiatives will bring in an additional Rs 100 billion.

Features of the Kissan card

  • Agriculture Loans: Through the Kisan Card, small farmers will be eligible for loans at the rate of 30,000 per acre. Farmers will be able to purchase high-quality fertilizer seeds and other equipment with the money they get from the loan.
  • Modern Equipment: Farmers will be able to quickly get the latest agricultural equipment and tools to improve crops after receiving the Kisan Card. Which will allow them to be successful and increase the yield of their crops.
  • Solar System: Small scale farmers will find it easy to get a solar system provided by the government by getting Kisan Card. Farmers will experience an immediate reduction in crop-related costs after installing a solar system.
  • Major Subsidy: The government would offer farmers holding a Kisan card significant discounts on fertilizers, seeds and farm equipment. Which will allow them to gain financial stability.

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Farmers Eligible for Kisan Card

All the information needed to determine if farmers can take advantage of this initiative to get one Kisan card is available here. For the full guidance of these farmers, let me inform you that the registration process for a Kisan card will be available only to farmers who own less than 12.5 hectares of land; Farmers with larger land holdings will not be eligible for this scheme. The government wants to help small farmers as much as possible to alleviate their difficulties, and empowerment allows them to be given maximum help.

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topic Punjab Government Small Farmers Initiative 2024
Overview Interest Free Loans of Rs. 30,000 per hectare.
Characteristics of the loan Loans for agricultural needs.
Eligibility criteria Property of less than 12.5 hectares of land.


Punjab government's decision to introduce Nawaz Sharif Kisan card is an excellent initiative for poor farmers. With this effort, the government is trying to empower the farmers by offering maximum amount of relief. All the information you need to know about Kisan Card is contained in this article. He was fully informed about which farms are eligible for the program. In addition, all the specific data of the registry was revealed to him. Also, you can leave a comment with a query if you want to know something.

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Frequently asked questions

Which farmers will be able to get Kisan card?

Kisan cards will be available only to farmers who own less than 12.5 hectares of land; Farmers with larger land holdings will not be eligible for this scheme.

How much loan will farmers get per acre?

Through the Kisan card, small farmers will be able to get loans at the rate of 30,000 per acre.

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