If you are not eligible for the Ehsaas Program, you can update your information and receive quarterly payments. Visit the Benazir Income Support office with your identity card and other documents. The representative will ask about the purpose of your visit and request your updated information. After updating your information, a receipt will be sent. After getting the updated information, you need to register to receive payments. This ensures that you get help even if you don't qualify for the program.

Proof of payment is required for 2024

Obtaining a receipt is critical to understanding your payments and ensuring accurate information about future payments. Many people are worried about their money and find it difficult to receive new payments, which leads to missing receipts. It is essential to remember to obtain a receipt when receiving payment to avoid problems and ensure smoother transactions. It is essential for those facing similar issues to ensure proper payment information.

key points details
How can you update your information if you are not eligible for the Ehsaas program? – Visit the BISP office with ID and documents – Update information to receive quarterly payments
Why is it important to get a payment receipt for Ehsaas program participants? – Crucial to understanding payments – Ensures accuracy and addresses payment issues – Facilitates smoother transactions

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Complaints about issues

If the scheme amount has been deducted from you or a fee has been charged, you can lodge a claim at your nearest NADRA centre. The center must be informed of the purpose of their visit and must fill out a complaint form. If the claim is valid, your issue will be resolved and your full payment will be transferred to your account.

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Emergency telephone no

The Pakistani government has introduced a helpline number for the Benazir Income Support Program to resolve issues such as disqualification, non-receipt of money and registration, in order to resolve the issues faced by many participants.


The Benazir Income Support Program has started paying 10500 to eligible individuals every three months. To receive payment, individuals must visit their nearest ATM with their ID and follow the steps provided. To get your quarterly payment, simply insert your card into the ATM and follow the instructions provided. This new payment system is designed to help those in need of financial assistance.

Read also: Good News: Punjab eRozgar Program Online Admission Last Date 2024

Frequently asked questions

How can you update your information if you are not eligible for the Ehsaas program?

Visit the Benazir Income Support office with your identity card and other documents, update your information and receive quarterly payments to ensure assistance even if you are not eligible for the program.

Why is it important to get a payment receipt for Ehsaas program participants?

A payment receipt is critical to understanding payments, ensuring accurate information and resolving payment-related issues, facilitating smoother transactions.

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