Providing farmers with solar panels to power their tube wells seeks to reduce their operating expenses. Rising gas and electricity prices have put farmers in Punjab under greater financial pressure and forced them to incur losses on their farms. In terms of future goals, the use of solar-powered tubewells will help farmers achieve greater operational efficiency.

Solar system for tube wells

Using solar panels, this program will also help improve environmental sustainability. Installing solar-powered tubewells will certainly help reduce carbon emissions, as the tubewells were previously powered by petrol and diesel engines, which released visible carbon emissions.

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Benefits of Roshan Gharana Scheme

The Pakistani government provides assistance to the poor and worthy citizens of the nation through various initiatives.

  • Through Punjab's Roshan Gharana programme, the government will drastically reduce electricity bills.
  • By using the solar system, those worried about inflation will be able to lead peaceful lives.
  • Environmental protection will be provided to people.
  • Lower consumption will result in lower electricity costs as electricity production increases.
  • People using the system will be able to eliminate high electricity costs.
  • There will be no possibility of unburdening individuals.
topic Details
Objective of the program The Punjab government aims to provide farmers with solar panels for their tubewells to reduce operating expenses and improve operational efficiency.
Benefits of Roshan Gharana Scheme – Drastically reduce the electricity bills of the participants. – Improving the quality of life of people concerned about inflation. – Environmental protection through the reduction of carbon emissions


The Punjab government is providing farmers with solar panels for tube wells to help them save electricity. Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz presided over a special session of the Punjab National Assembly, during which she declared that farmers would get solar panels for their tube wells. They have made an effort to address the problems that arise in agriculture. She talked about giving solar panels to farmers who are worried about rising electricity costs. She stated that rising gas and electricity costs are questioning people's tolerance. Agriculture will be improved if farmers have access to solar panels.

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Frequently asked questions

Will there be any chance of unburdening people?

There will be no possibility of unburdening individuals.

How will agriculture be improved?

Agriculture will be improved if farmers have access to solar panels.

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