For many Pakistani families, the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP), which provides financial assistance to those in need, is a lifesaver. But what happens if your application is rejected or the money you expected doesn't arrive? Knowing the reasons why you may not qualify for BISP will allow you to take appropriate action and possibly take advantage of this important service.

This blog post explains three typical causes of BISP ineligibility and provides instructions on how to resolve the issue.

Reason 1: Income above the poverty line

  • Fundamental rule: BISP gives priority to families with incomes below the federal poverty line. This means you could not be eligible for help if your household income is above that limit.
  • How to verify: You can probably find information about the current poverty line income level on the official BISP website. For more clarity you can also contact BISP authorities.
  • What is possible for you: While BISP may not be a possibility in this situation, look for alternative government programs or social welfare initiatives that serve a range of income levels.
Possible Reasons How to fix
Income above the poverty line, incomplete/incorrect registration, geographic restrictions Verify eligibility, correct registration errors, monitor program updates

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Reason 2: Incomplete or inaccurate registration

  • Importance of registration: To be eligible for program benefits, you must successfully register with BISP. During registration, providing false or incomplete information may result in disqualification.
  • Common mistakes: Inaccurate family information, lack of documentation or errors in the facts of the CNIC (National Computerized Identity Card) can lead to problems.
  • What you can do: For a status update, check the BISP website or contact your local BISP office if you suspect registration issues. They can help you through the process of correcting any errors and perhaps resubmitting your application.
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Reason 3: Geographic restrictions

  • Targeted approach: BISP payments may occasionally be directed to particular Pakistani districts or areas.
  • Limited availability: You may not be eligible at this time if you live in an area that is not currently served by the program.
  • What you can do: Keep learning! In the future, BISP could be extended to additional regions. For updates on program coverage, please pay attention to formal announcements.

Additional considerations:

The purpose of BISP is to stop multiple records within the same house. You may not be eligible for additional payments if a family member who is currently enrolled and receiving benefits already qualifies. Additionally, it is critical to frequently check the BISP website or contact program administrators for the latest changes, as program eligibility standards and requirements are subject to change over time.


It can be upsetting not to receive payments from BISP, but knowing why you are ineligible will help you manage the situation. Potential problems, such as incomplete records or income above the federal poverty line, may be corrected, allowing you to take advantage of this beneficial program. Let's remember that the purpose of the BISP is to help worthy families. Stay educated, adhere to the correct protocols, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

Read also: Benazir Kafalat Program Announces Rs. 10,500 Payment from May 27

Frequently asked questions

How can I appeal a BISP rejection?

If you believe your application has been refused due to an error, please contact your local BISP office or visit the BISP website for information on the appeals process.

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How can I contact BISP?

Contact information for BISP regional offices can be found on the program website. Also, a helpline number may be available for queries.

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