CM Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif announced the Roshan Gharana programme, which provides 50,000 solar systems to the people of Punjab. To participate, people need to visit their nearest Punjab bank and ensure eligibility. A guide is provided for those unfamiliar with the registration procedure, making it easy to complete. To know more, read the article till the end.

Through the Roshan Gharana programme, 50,000 solar systems

To join the Solar 50,000 in Roshan Gharana, eligible individuals must complete the registration process at Bank of Punjab, obtain a registration form from a government representative and ensure that they enter the required information accurately. Mistakes must be avoided to ensure a successful registration process and participation in the program.

Punjab 50000 solar system scheme in Roshan Gharana is designed for poor and deserving families who use electricity between 100 and 300 units per month. The government offers 3 kilowatt solar panels with batteries and inverters to people who meet the requirements. To register, please verify eligibility and follow the instructions provided for a simple application process.

aspect Details
Program details 50,000 solar systems (3 kW with batteries and inverters) for Punjab residents using 100-300 units of electricity per month
Application process Register at the nearest Bank of Punjab with required documents (ID cards, photographs, proof of ownership, blank cheque)

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Essential Records

  • Original identity document
  • Woman's identity card
  • Identification cards of witnesses
  • Passport size photograph
  • Proposal photo with witnesses
  • Photocopy of the property
  • Blank check from Bank of Punjab

Check your eligibility for Roshan's 50000 solar systems

Before signing up, it is essential to understand your eligibility criteria for a scheme that is only available to permanent residents of Punjab, those residing in any other province and households using between 100 and 300 units per month. This ensures that you are eligible for the scheme.

How can I apply for the 50,000 Solar Systems of the Roshan Scheme?

The government has not introduced an online registration mechanism for the 50000 Solar Systems In Roshan Gharana programme. Instead, applicants should visit their nearest Punjab Bank branch and get a form from a representative. The form must be filled in correctly and all the necessary documents must be attached. The form should be read carefully before submitting the application. Once the form is submitted, the registration process is complete and applicants will receive an email confirming whether their solar panels have become part of the program.


Poor people of Punjab are struggling with high electricity bills due to inflation. To fix this, they must complete their registration process and receive a three kilowatt solar system package with batteries and inverter from the government. The registration form can be obtained from any branch of Punjab Bank of Pakistan and filled directly. This simple procedure allows them to receive a solar panel.

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Frequently asked questions

Who is eligible to receive solar systems under the Roshan Gharana programme?

Eligibility is for poor families in Punjab who use electricity between 100 and 300 units per month.

What documents are required to register for the Roshan Gharana program?

Documents required include original identity cards, wife's identity card, witness ID cards, photographs, photocopies of property and a blank check from Bank of Punjab.

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