First of all, we are happy to inform you about the launch of Ehsaas 12500 Eid program for the nation, led by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif. This initiative provides hope and help, especially for the people of Balochistan, who will receive 2000 additional troops from Pakistan's Shehbaz administration this Ramadan. Payment for this Ramadan assistance package before Eid-ul-Fitr will be Rs. 12500. It is noteworthy that similar aid schemes have also been implemented in other provinces.

Main features of this scheme

  • Help at national level: The Ehsaas 12500 Eid program strives to provide urgent financial assistance to residents across Pakistan, enabling them to celebrate Eid with dignity and joy.
  • Provincial initiatives: Each province has aid initiatives to ensure assistance reaches people in need as quickly as possible. For example, a bonus of Rs. 2000 is offered in Balochistan along with regular delivery.
  • Integration with BISP: Assistance provided by the Ramadan Assistance Program would be combined with payments from the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP), increasing aid for disadvantaged communities.
  • Increase in aid: This Ramadan, residents of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa will receive a net cash assistance of Rs. 20500, while those from Sindh will get Rs. 1500, which includes the entire sponsorship program.
topic Features of Ehsaas 12500 Eid Program
Help at the national level It provides urgent financial assistance across the country, enabling dignified Eid celebrations.
Provincial Initiatives Each province implements relief initiatives to help those in need promptly.
Integration with BISP Ramadan Assistance combined with BISP payments to improve support for disadvantaged communities.
Increase in aid Residents of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are to receive Rs. 20500, and residents of Sindh should get Rs. 1500, including sponsorship.

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The Ehsaas 12500 Eid program demonstrates the government's commitment to safeguarding the well-being of its residents, especially during difficult periods such as Ramadan. This project seeks to reduce the financial burden on needy communities and enable them to enjoy Eid with dignity by offering targeted assistance and support. We encourage eligible people to stay informed through their local authorities and take advantage of this vital help.

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Frequently asked questions

Who qualifies for Ehsaas 12500 Eid Scheme?

Eligibility conditions vary by province. In general, people registered with the BISP or designated as economically disadvantaged are eligible.

How can you apply for the Ramadan aid program?

The government will automatically distribute aid to qualified individuals. No additional application is required.

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