While hunger is a problem that affects everyone, it can be especially painful for those who are socially and politically ignored. The Ehsaas Langer program, which aims to reduce hunger and provide food to the needy, has become a symbol of hope in Pakistan. Established in 2019, this incredible project has created a story of compassion and agency, offering more than sustenance: it offers respect and an opportunity for a better future.

Cooperation of the Ehsaas Langar Program

The Saylani Welfare International Trust and the Ehsaas Program collaborated to create the Ehsaas Langer Program. It runs as a community of langars, which are just regular neighborhood kitchens that provide clean, free meals. Ensuring that no one goes to bed hungry is the main aim, with a special focus on vulnerable members of society.

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Recipients of the Langar Program

The Ehsaas program works primarily with poor businesses, including daily wage workers, the homeless, and low-income households. By focusing on those most at risk, the program aims to address the immediate needs of those most affected by poverty and hardship.

Scope of this Program

The program has the potential to become a transformative force in Pakistan's fight against poverty and hunger as it expands its reach. By addressing the immediate needs of the weak while increasing empathy and empowering the subculture, the Ehsaas Program offers a path to a more promising future for all.

topic Description
announcement Ehsaas Langar Program New Update April 2024
Collaboration Collaboration between Saylani Welfare International Trust and the Ehsaas Program to establish the Langar Program
Objective of the program It provides free, clean meals to those in need, ensuring that no one goes to bed hungry


In conclusion, the Ehsaas Langer Program is a testament to the power of empathy and group action to solve social injustices. By providing free, clean ingredients to those in need, the app not only reduces hunger, but also promotes a sense of empowerment and dignity. It has the potential to grow into a fairer and more equal society for all Pakistanis as it develops and changes.

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Frequently asked questions

What is the potential of this program?

The program has the potential to become a transformative force in Pakistan's fight against poverty and hunger as it expands its reach.

Who are the recipients of this program?

The Ehsaas program works primarily with poor businesses, including daily wage workers, the homeless, and low-income households.

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