Maryam Nawaz, the Chief Minister of Punjab, launched the Roshan Gharana program in response to rising power rates and hardships faced by the underprivileged. This scheme will provide more than 50,000 solar systems in Punjab. Providing solar systems will help meet the rising cost of energy. Poor people will be able to progress towards a greener future.

Eligibility criteria

The registration process for the Roshan Gharana program has not been made public yet. However, formal registration should begin in the next few days. As for who will receive these solar systems, everyone who uses less than 100 units of energy each month will be eligible. Applications from all over Punjab will be gathered to offer solar systems. In addition, the Punjab government has given Rs 12.6 crore for this scheme.

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Good future through solar scheme

As per the directives of Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, this scheme would install solar systems at home, generating as much energy as possible from solar energy while reducing electricity expenses. During the discussion, the Punjab Chief Minister emphasized the need to use high quality solar system batteries and inverters to ensure that people can benefit from them for as long as possible.

Good impact of solar system scheme

Roshan Gharana was not established by the government just to get solar energy but with its help several milestones will be achieved. This initiative will help the government to reduce the financial burden of low income and worthy citizens. In addition, households that receive solar systems through this program will notice a significant reduction in their energy costs. This is a ray of hope for the people of Punjab, who are suffering from inflation, which will show its face soon.

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topic Details
Roshan Gharana Program – Launched by Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz to provide solar systems to over 50,000 households in Punjab.
– It aims to tackle rising energy rates and help the disadvantaged towards a greener future.
Registration process – Details of the registration process are not yet public, and are expected to begin soon.


It is essential that people interested in buying solar panels understand one key point. Many people desire solar panels, but they should be aware that they are not offered for free. Remember that you will be responsible for paying 25% of the total price, with the Punjab government covering the remaining 75%.

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Frequently asked questions

What percentage of the price of the solar system will we have to pay?

Remember that you will be responsible for paying 25% of the total price, with the Punjab government covering the remaining 75%.

Who is eligible to receive a solar system?

As for who will receive these solar systems, everyone who uses less than 100 units of energy each month will be eligible.

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